What's new?
⚙️ Mining on hard drives has been tested in various configurations. You can use all slots on the motherboard (USB/SATA/PCI-e/SAS) and in any number for CHIA mining! At the same time, the rig additionally consumes almost nothing. Do not miss the opportunity and connect in a few clicks using a simple instruction - https://mineros.info/en/faq/35
⛏ T-Rex v0.21.0 (added autolykos2 algorithm for ERGO mining, dev fee 2%; fixed reporting of total power consumption when some GPUs not report it)
⛏ lolMiner v1.30 (added Autolykos V2 mining ERGO; improved performance and reduced power draw of RTX 3060 semi-unlocker; significantly reduced RAM usage for Nvidia cards on ethash; significantly improved DAG repair process on all Nvidia GPUs; fixed a bug with 3060 semi-unlocker not unlocking after DAG rebuild; fixed a bug in Ethash stratum when mining with Nicehash protocol on some pools not sticking 100% close to protocol; some minor fixes)
⛏ GMiner v2.59 (display pool hashrate for all supported algorithms; added CPU share check for all supported algorithms; removed algorithms: BitTube, Swap)
⛏ nanominer v3.3.6 (added option maxRejectedShares: set the maximum amount of rejected shares before restarting miner process/rebooting the rig)
⛏ XMRig v6.13.1 (added support for solo mining with miner signatures for the upcoming Wownero fork)
⛏ CPUminer-Opt-rplant v5.0.22 (added yespowerarwn algo)
Support channel https://t.me/minerossupporten