What's new?
⛏ T-Rex v0.17.2 (added 'ethash' and 'progpowz' algos; add 'gpu-init-mode' parameter: enables sequential DAG generation to reduce load on power supplies, print hash rate if no shares have been found for more than 1 minute to indicate miner's activity; bugs fixes: CUDA 11 build not working on some algorithms and RTX cards, GPU is idle error when generating DAG on low-end cards)
⛏ Bminer v16.3.1 (enable tuning memory timings for 'ethash' on NVIDIA GPUs via the '-fast' option)
⛏ SRBMiner-Multi v0.5.2 (added 'verushash' for GPU mining, 'verushash' on CPU optimised a little bit, 'ethash' on GPU optimised a little bit, removed 'MTP' algo)