⛏ lolMiner v1.67
* Improved Nexa performance on Nvidia Turing based gpus by approximately 35%+.
* Improved Nexa performance on 8G Nvidia Ampere gpus by approximately 1.5% when memory is not locked and ~3% on locked memory (5000). 10G and higher gpus got an additional 5% performance increase.
* Improved Nexa performance on Nvidia Ada based gpus by approximately 25% on locked memory clock (5000) and about 8% on unlocked memory.
* Added Nexa echelon mining protocol to support pools using it, e.g. 137pool.org. The needed format will be automatically detected when connecting to a pool using it.
* Updated WebUI for Nexa mining and more pools to support.
* Fixed a bug causing scattered defect shared on Nexa mining (all OS)
* Fixed a display bug when setting power limit on Nvidia GPUs saying the value is out of Range, although its fine. (all OS)
* Fixed a bug in Nexa mining of the miner creating only defects (Windows)
* Fixed a bug in Nexa mining of the miner crashing silently after a few minutes (Windows)
* Every code update - in particular when so massive as here - may require re-tuning your oc & uv settings for ideal results and stability.
* memory locking on Ada gpus is only recommended if the core clock is locked as well and not maxed out - on high core clock in combination with memory locked to 5000 the performance will struggle due to worse memory timings.
* The Nexa gpu codes are (and will be in foreseeable future) joint work with Iedoc from BzMiner. Miner fees will be evenly shared regardless of which of these two flavors of the code you prefer.

⛏ Rigel v1.3.5
* (Nexa) performance/efficiency improvements
* Add support for explicit locked clocks reset (pass X to --lock-cclock / --lock-mclock)

⛏ BzMiner v13.0.3
* Fixed cuda error from previous release on older nvidia drivers
* Slight improvement to nexa efficiency/hashrate (mainly for 20 series cards)
* Added new parameter --pool_reconnect_timeout_ms
* Improved Nexa hashrate/efficiency (nvidia, continued effort with Lolliedieb)
* Nexa dev fee reduced to 2%
* Multiple +zil fixes
* Fixed AMD issues on all algos (except nexa)
* Possible slight auto intensity improvement across all algos (both nvidia and amd)
* Fixed high diff issue on Zil
* Fixed oc_script option
* Reformated ghz to mhz

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⛏ Rigel v1.3.4
Multiple ZIL mining fixes/improvements:
* Fix duplicate shares when mining to non-zmp pools (e.g. crazypool)
* Add support for non-zmp pools (including Nexa+Zil, Kaspa+Zil)
* Fix insufficient memory error when mining Nexa+Zil
* Fix applying overclock settings in dual mining with Zil
* Fix duplicate shares when mining to flexpool
* See zil-dual bat/sh script in the miner archive on how to set Zil-specific overclock settings
Note that Nexa hashrate will be lower in Nexa+Zil mode compared to Nexa alone on 8GB GPUs because of increased memory requirements.
Add --no-strict-ssl option to disable pool certificate verification

⛏ Team Red Miner v0.10.8
This release primarily adds support for triple mining of ethash+kas+zil and erg+kas+zil, and extends kawpow on 4GB gpus until epoch 369.
* Kawpow on Polaris 4GB gpus extended to epoch 369 (end of April 2023).
* Tiny Kaspa gpu hashrate boost across all gpus (+0.1%).
* Added triple ERG+KAS+ZIL and ETH+KAS+ZIL mining support, add both --kas and --zil sections to enable.
* R-mode support in dual/triple ZIL mining. Specify --eth_config=R inside --zil ... --zil_end to enable.
* Fixed HiveOS ERG+KAS issues with stray hw errs reported on RDNA2 gpus.
* Fixed additional small issues with dual zil mining paired with older algos.
* Fixed hw err issues for verthash when running with R-mode kernel params.

⛏ Rigel v1.3.1 NEW
* (Nexa) performance/efficiency improvements
⛏ WildRig Multi 0.36.5 beta
* improved nexapow up to 8% for NVIDIA gpu's
* slightly improved nexapow for AMD gpu's
* now 2% devfee for nexapow
⛏ lolMiner v1.66
* Added support for mining Nexa on Nvidia Pascal or newer generation GPUs (1). Use --algo NEXA to mine it. Fee is 2%.
Note: The pool protocol supported matches the one introduced by rplant pool. That said pools tested by this version are in alphabetical order: acc-pool.pw, rplant.xyz, vipor.net and woolypooly.com. That said this list is not exclusive and every other pool following this protocol should work.
Note 2: This code is joint work with Iedoc from BzMiner and it is a refined version with approximately 20% higher speed then the code released in BzMiner v13.0.1. An updated version of BzMiner featuring the improvements of this kernel as well as the same fee level will be released soon.
(1) Primary focus in optimization were the low to medium range Nvidia Ampere GPUs. The performance of other generations may vary, but certainly improve the next versions.
⛏ miniZ v2.0c
* Added support for ZIL single and dual mining: ZIL with ETC/ETH/UBQ
* Added DAG cache for ethash, and progpow algorithms
* Improvements for 192,7 on RTX 30XX GPUs
* Added --show-diff option to show job, and network difficulty for equihash only
* Fixed Beam stale/invalid shares;